诺贝尔奖评选工作中的“头痛” 科学研究需要团队精神,而且,不同国家的团队在研究同一个问题。 但是,根据诺贝尔的意愿,这个奖项的获得者不能超过3人。 这就产生一个问题。 据说每年都有这样的头痛 The Nobel selection committees, according to the rules laid down by Alfred Nobel in 1895, can only honor up to three people per prize. This requirement can prove to be a headache, It may be a project where several people have done work in parallel, and they single out some and not others. It may be that there’s a team, and it’s not obvious that the ones they’ve singled from the team are the dominant figures, 建议修改规则
诺贝尔奖评选工作中的“头痛” 科学研究需要团队精神,而且,不同国家的团队在研究
2023-10-03 12:13:41