2024-10-27 04:34:52
1. 新的一年,新的生活。
New year,new life.
2. 真爱至上。
True love prevails.
3. 越过山丘,才发现无人等候。
Over mountains , mountains .
4. 人人都有所爱。
Everyone loves something.
5. 我们从错误中吸取教训。
We learn from our mistakes.
6. 自我提升是一个终生的过程。
Self-improvement is a lifelong process.
7. 相信自己。
You must trust yourself.
8. 做内心强大的自己。
Be who you are on the inside.
9. 有家人在的地方才叫家。
Home is where our family is.
A deserted port is always full of flowers.
11. 保持冷静,继续前行。
Keep calm and carry on.
12. 有朋友相伴真好。
It's nice to have a friend.
13. 听从你的内心。
Listen to your heart.
14. 没有人天生好或坏。
No one is born good or bad.
15. 你是我一生挚爱。
You are the love of my life.
16. 每天都是一个新开始。
Each day brings a new beginning.
17. 年轻人就是未来。
Our youth is our future.
18. 我想成为更好的人。
I want to be better.