2025-02-18 10:55:12
1、虽然玫瑰是最美的,但不是每个人都有机会成为玫瑰,含羞草(含羞草)也以其独特的方式美丽.Though roses are the most beautiful,not everyone can have the chance to be a rose and mimosas are also beautiful in their unique way.
2、每个人都像一朵花,有的有香味,有的没有.只要你开花,就会有蜜蜂和蝴蝶.Everyone is like a flower,some having fragrance, but some not.As long as you bloom, there will be bees and butterflies.
3、这唤醒了我内心沉睡的东西,这个世界充满了善良和爱,可以点亮一个深陷其中的人的阴暗世界.It was this life-changing episode/life lesson that awakened something buried within me, the world is full of kindness and love,which could light up/ brighten the gloomy world someone deeply sinks in.