
雅彤看育儿 2025-03-05 00:23:35
The Traditional Chinese "Four Seasons Dietary Nourishment Mnemonic" -In spring, eat sprouts to nourish the liver qi. -In summer, eat melons to dispel summer heat and dampness. -In autumn, eat fruits to moisten the lungs and relieve dryness. -In winter, eat roots to store the essence of the kidneys. For the must-eat spring vegetables in China during spring, please refer to Fig 1. 🍵 Special Spring Teas ▪for Soothing the Liver: 3 rose flowers + 10 jasmine flowers + 1 piece of dried tangerine peel. ▪for Removing Dampness: 15g stir-fried coix seeds + 10g Poria cocos + 5g Chinese yam slices + 5 lotus seeds. What are the limited wild vegetables that must be eaten in your hometown during spring? 四季食养口诀 春吃芽 夏吃瓜 秋吃果 冬吃根 🌸【春养生重点】 ✅必吃"三芽一菜": 🌱香椿芽 💡吃法:香椿豆腐鸡蛋饼(焯水去亚硝酸盐) 🌱枸杞芽(明目神仙草) 💡吃法:枸杞芽猪肝汤 🌱豌豆苗: 💡吃法:苗菇鲜汤(豌豆苗+口蘑+虾滑) 🥬荠菜:钙≈牛奶3倍 💡吃法:荠菜鲜肉馄饨 🍵【春日特调茶饮】 ▪三花茶:玫瑰花3朵+茉莉花10颗+陈皮1片 ▪四神饮:炒薏米15g+茯苓10g+山药片5g+莲子5颗

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