2025-01-22 15:07:15
Hi~ My foreign new friends on RED NOTE [抱拳R]
For whom have already generated great interests in China,I strongly recommend you to take Guangdong province as your first stop.
If you will stop by Guangzhou during your travel in China,here are some basic things you need to know about this city.
As the capital of Guangdong province,Guangzhou is historically both the start of the Maritime Silk Road and the center of Lingnan Culture. It is also the cradle of Chinese modern revolution, and the foreland of China's reform and opening to the outside world.
As the center of Cantonese culture, Guangzhou has a 4000-year civilization that can trace its roots to the Neolithic period. As a result of the intermingling of ethnic minority cultures, Han culture and foreign cultures, Cantonese culture is famous for its diversity and vitality.
this is real China!welcome to China!🇨🇳
get more infoschinatravel 来中国就要这样玩 中式旅行天花板 新年旅行第一站 tiktokrefugee 小众旅行地 guangzhou canton 先出发再说