2024-10-17 15:08:45
1.保护环境是我们的责任 It's our duty to protect our environment.
2.爱护我们的环境是非常重要 It is very important to take care of our environment.
3.我们不应该把垃圾倒在地上 We should not throw litter onto the ground.
4.我们不应该在公共场所吐痰 We should not spit in a public place.
5.我们应该种植更多的花和树 We should plant more flowers and trees.
6.保护环境是我们的义务 It is our duty to protect environment.
7.让我们谈谈怎样解决这些问题 Let's talk about how to solve these problems.
8.我们不应该浪费食物 We shouldn't waste our food.
9.我们还可以回收书本和纸张 We can also recycle books and paper.
10.节约用水也很重要 Saving water is also important.
11.我们应该节约用电,当离开房间的时,最好把灯关上 We should save electricity,we'd better turn off lights if we leave a room.
12.我们必须捡起一些垃圾扔进垃圾箱 We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin.